

Book Coaching is the support and assistance to any writer that involves the facilitation of the book construction process, coaching with a writing structure, developing from idea to first draft, proofreading, editing and book design.

To have someone that keeps you accountable, is your personal critique and knows about the industry, then a book coach is what you need!

Let me coach you!

Why Work with a
Book Coach?

I know what it feels like to not know how to press start, how to ask for help, writing with a successful structure and publishing a bestseller on Amazon. Writing and publishing can be very challenging without a dedicated coach or a supportive team.

That’s what I’m here for! To make the intimidating parts of the publishing process simpler and more accessible. I can guide you through the book-writing process, help you stay organized, have brainstorm sessions for ideas, and get your book published.

author's Journey

Let's Polish that Big Idea!

My Book Coaching Offer.

Book Coaching (4-month Program to Tell Your Story)

I support authors with their book construction process. My team and I can support you at any stage:




Book Cover Design



Coaching Throughout the Process

Let's Begin the Journey!

Happy Clients!

I have helped different clients throughout the process that making a book entails! From helping them create a crisp draft of their idea to finally publishing their books, I’ve been there with them the whole ride!

Thank you Rasie Bamigbade, for everything. I truly appreciated working with you and your team. Your passion and expertise are unparalleled and I learned so much from you about self-leadership.

I felt supported every step of the way, and I am grateful for your guidance. I couldn’t have done it without you. Thanks again for being a part of my journey.

—— Joselyne John

You’re an amazing coach. Thanks for all your help!

——Lisa Rumpel

When you need to count on someone to be the leader you need, while you challenge yourself to drive your energy to the next level. You want Rasie by your side.

She will give you a roadmap however if you are in need of more support she gives you that as well. Or if you need space to create…All in all Rasie Bamigbade is a awesome book coach.


———Munica Green

As a first time book author, I could not have made a better decision than to have Rasie support me with authoring my book. Rasie guided me through the full process – literally from start to finish, as well as with continued check-ins, even after publication.

More than anything, the support that I received made me realize that my story mattered and that it could be told in a way that is impactful.


——Joy Walcott-Francis

Thank you so much for all your continued support and encouragement! I had an idea and with your coaching, my dream became a reality! Thank you for being the wonderful coach that you are! I’m so excited to continue to work with you!

—–Shelley-Anne Vidal

This has been one of the most amazing and happy moments in my life. I feel fulfilled when I received support from Rasie from the beginning to finished of my newly published book – “Journey In The Tunnel, In Search Of Light Through Transformation.” Again, I have another opportunity to participate and showcase this incredible book at Rasie’s First Virtual Book Reading. This is happiness upon joy for me.

——Mamoud Balla Kamara